91 Paul St
London, UK
+44 7850 067181
About the Gallery
NıCOLETTı is a London-based gallery dedicated to supporting the development of emerging artists. Established in 2018 as an itinerant curatorial project, NıCOLETTı opened its first permanent gallery space in 2019.
In 2024, the gallery relocated to a 1,279 sq ft converted Victorian warehouse on 91 Paul Street, Shoreditch, where it expanded its activities across two galleries redesigned by JAM, a group of architects formed by Adam Willis and Joe Halligan, co-founders of Turner Prize-winning collective Assemble.
Committed to facilitating the research and production of critical discourses, our programme of exhibition investigates current and future socio-ecological paradigms, with a particular emphasis on exploring the intricate relationship between colonial history, ecology, and identity.
About the Presentation
NıCOLETTı and Management will present work by Nana Wolke in a solo presentation at Independent.
Wolke’s work explores the nature of perception, focusing its attention on modes of apprehension of space and time. Her series of works usually begins on film-like sets, where the artist records the unfolding of staged situations and improvised actions occurring in spaces spanning social hierarchy. Wolke proceeds to assemble and edit both original and found footage to create distinctly monochromatic visual atmospheres and rhythms that she then translates into painting and sound installations. Using commonplace lighting to model space and generate the grain, textures and slippages of her images and sequences, Wolke utilizes a variety of devices chosen as much for their technical properties than for their social significance – e.g. CCTV equipment, home video camcorders, inventory cameras, intercom systems, etc. Considering the multiple viewpoints from which an action can be witnessed, Wolke’s work conjures a tension between observation and control, often inviting viewers to navigate environments that interrogate notions of access and inclusion – whether for economic, social, or security purposes.