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Galerie Volker Diehl
Niebuhrstrasse 2
10629 Berlin - Charlottenburg

+49 30 22 48 79 22

Dep Art Gallery
Via Comelico, 40 20135
Milan, Italy

+39 02 36535620​

About the Presentation
Galerie Volker Diehl and Dep Art Gallery jointly present the shaped canvases of Italian artist Turi Simeti (1929-2021), renowned for their reductionist painterly language of monochrome and relief. Born in Sicily and largely self-taught, Simeti moved in 1958 to Rome where he came into contact with an important early mentor, Alberto Burri. Simeti joined the ZERO group in 1965 following an invitation to participate in the seminal Zero Avantgarde exhibition held in Lucio Fontana’s Milan studio. Simeti subsequently settled permanently in Milan, sharing in the group’s exploration of light, shadow, and monochromatic surfaces. In contrast with Fontana’s Spatialist incisions, Simeti extended the canvas into space with relief elements that foregrounded the paintings as objects. The oval or ellipse became his lifelong motif. “In the area of the oval the surface gains an excitement, a vibrancy, the light gives it a depth,” Simeti said.

About Galerie Volker Diehl
Galerie Volker Diehl was founded in Berlin in 1990 with a focus on Contemporary Art with international relevance. For over 30 years the gallery has been representing internationally renowned artists such as Martin Assig, Thomas Florschuetz, Olga Chernysheva, Minjung Kim, Christian Megert, Simon English, Alexandra Paperno, Carmen Calvo, Grazia Varisco and Sergey Braktov. Since 2017 Galerie Volker Diehl represents the estate of K.P. Brehmer, Turi Simeti and Hal Busse.

About Dep Art Gallery
Dep Art Gallery opened on September 22nd, 2006, with a solo exhibition by Mario Nigro. It was founded in Milan by Antonio Addamiano, and it owes its name, acronym of Distribution and Art Promotion, to the English word "depart". Thus, it is a departure with a specific direction that the gallery pursues to this day characterized by a broad and varied cultural program, which seeks to offer collectors the opportunity to create, or enrich their collection, and above all, to preserve it over time. Both Italian and foreign artists are selected for the exhibitions program, yet there is a particular attention to artists of the '60s and '70s, without forgetting subsequent generations, and always trying to alternate and explore a range of languages.


Turi Simeti, Un ovale nero, 1968, acrylic on shaped canvas, 35.4 x 39.4 inches, courtesy of Dep Art Gallery

Turi Simeti, Un ovale nero, 1968, acrylic on shaped canvas, 35.4 x 39.4 inches, courtesy of Dep Art Gallery